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Why "You Deserve The Home You Desire"?

If you have been following me on Social Media, or have seen a couple of my business cards floating around, you will see that my Slogan is "You Deserve The Home You Desire".

Why this? For several reasons. The 1st being, I wanted a slogan that revolved around my future clients. Something that was about them, and their needs, their wants....their desires. Which led me to "YOU deserve". Then I thought for a hot minute... what do most people deserve when it comes to Real Estate?. Thats it. Whichever home THEY desire. Not the agent, not the loan officer, not their mama and not their daddy LOL. Whichever home THEY desire. Whichever home THEY see themselves in. With their families, their fur babies, their kids and more. A place they can call home with a smile on their face. A place they can come to at the end of a long work day and be proud of where they hang their hat.

I want nothing more than my business to revolve around my clients, no matter who they are. To make sure they feel safe, considered heavily, treated with respect and nothing less!

Not only have my husband and I had a run in with a Real Estate Agent in the past that wasn't all what she was hyped up to be.. but being in this industry.. the bad apples tend to reveal themselves. That is NOT what I want to be. That is NOT what I want my clients/friends/family to work with. This is about YOU and YOUR desires!

So.. what are you waiting for? :)

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